The largest online network of Latina professionals, entrepreneurs & students.

We are a sharing and progressive community that connects you to valuable information, opportunities, peer-mentoring and influential networks.


20,000 members & growing.

Connect with 16,000 career-driven, professional and entrepreneurial women. The Latinas Think Big® online community on Facebook is an active and supportive group of women with big ideas, vision and drive. 

  • Job Board: Career and job opportunities announcements across multiple sectors. Members share job-seeking posts to connect with potential leads.

  • Curated Content: We share relevant articles, news, reports and educational information to promote your career and propel your business.

  • Real-Time Peer-Mentoring: Do you need quick advice on how to negotiate a new job offer? Share your peer-mentoring questions and we will share our insights, advice and recommendations to help you make the decisions that are best for you.

  • Connection and Relationship-Building: Social networks are the new 'plaza' -- where we gather, connect and share. We leverage this community to get to know one another and support each other.

  • Inspiration: We feature community members through short storytelling posts around their career and business journeys. We are inspired and empowered by our fellow Latinas.

Gain access to...


Share your recent achievements, recognitions & milestones.


Share upcoming gatherings, conferences & networking events.


Promote your business, services & offerings.


Connecting those seeking to hire and those seeking employment.